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Posted By: P.K
1/5/2014 12:00:00 AM
language: MVC

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var editid;
        var count = 0;
        var incld = "";
        var i = 0;
        $(document).ready(function() {




        function GattableList() {

            function(data) {
            $(".btnEdit").bind("click", Edit);
            $(".chka").bind("click", checkUncchk);
        function Edit() {

            if (count == 0) {

                var par = $(this).parent().parent(); //tr
                //var d = $('#tblt tr td').attr('id');
                var ed;
                var tdButtons = par.children("td:nth-child(1)");
                var tdInclude = par.children("td:nth-child(2)");
                var tdBinderType = par.children("td:nth-child(3)");
                var tdNoteType = par.children("td:nth-child(4)");
                var tdQuickNotes = par.children("td:nth-child(5)");
                // tdInclude.html("<input type='checkbox' id='incl' >");
                $("#tblt tr td:nth-child(1)").click(function() {
                eid = $(this).attr('id');
                    eid = eid.trim();
                    var tempinc = new Array();
                    tempinc = eid.split("/");
                    i = tempinc[0];
                    incld = tempinc[1]

                    tdButtons.html("<button class='btn btn-danger btn-small' Onclick='Save(" + i + ");'>Save</buton>" + "&nbsp" +
             "<button class='btn btn-danger btn-small' Onclick='Loadgrd();'>Cancel</buton>");
             if (incld.trim() == "True") {

             tdInclude.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="incl"></label>');
                    $('#incl').attr("checked", "checked");
                else {
                    tdInclude.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="incl"></label>');


//                //alert(eid);
//                var inc = tdInclude.html();
//                alert(inc);
//                //var dc = document.getElementById('Include').checked

//                //            var inld = $("#Include").attr("checked");
//                //            alert(inld);
//                            if (inc.trim() == "True") {
//                               tdInclude.html('<input type="checkbox" id=incl>');
//                                $('#incl').attr("checked", "checked");
//                            }
//                            else {
//                                tdInclude.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="incl"></label>');
                //                            }
                //var myinclude = tdInclude.html();
                //tdInclude.html("<input type='checkbox' id='myinclude' >");
                //while (i == 0) {
//                    if ($('#Include' + i).attr('checked')) {
//                        //alert('hi');

//                    }
//                    else {
//                        //alert('bye');
//                        $('#myinclude').attr("checked", "checked");
//                    }
               // }
//                if ($('#Include' + i).is(':checked')) {
//                    //alert('hi');
//                    //$('#myinclude').attr("checked", "checked");

//                }
//                else {
//                    //$('#myinclude').attr("checked", "checked");
//                }

                var str = tdBinderType.html();

                var temp = new Array();
                str = str.trim();
                temp = str.split(",");

                //tdInclude.html('<input type="checkbox" id="incl">');

                tdBinderType.html('<label>Select</label><br/><div style="z-index: 10;position:absolute;background-color:White;width:100px;border:1px;border-style:ridge;border-width:thin">' +
            '<label><input type="checkbox" id="10">10</label><br/>' +
            '<label><input type="checkbox" id="9">9</label><br/>' +
                           ' <label><input type="checkbox" id="20">20</label><br/>' +
                           ' <label><input type="checkbox" id="30">30</label><br/>' +
                            '<label><input type="checkbox" id="40">40</label><br/>' +
                            '<label><input type="checkbox" id="50">50</label><br/>' +
        '<label><input type="checkbox" id="60">60</label></div>');

                //tdBinderType.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="9">9</label>' +
                //                   ' <label><input type="checkbox" id="10">10</label>' +
                //                   ' <label><input type="checkbox" id="11">11</label>' +
                //                    '<label><input type="checkbox" id="12">12</label>');

                var myval = tdNoteType.html().trim();

                tdQuickNotes.html("<input type='text' id='txtQuickNotes' value='" + tdQuickNotes.html() + "'/>");
                tdNoteType.html('<select id="mydd">' +
                       '<option value="Review">Review</option>  ' +
                       '<option value="General">General</option>  ' +
                       '<option value="Permanent">Permanent</option>  ' +
                       '<option value="Missing">Missing</option>  ' +

                $.each(temp, function(i, e) {

                    // var e1 = '#' + e;
                    //$('#' + e).prop("checked", true);
                    $('#' + e).attr("checked", "checked");


//                var myinclude = tdInclude.html();
//                alert(myinclude);
//                tdInclude.html("<input type='checkbox' id='include'>");

//                if (myinclude.trim() == "true") {
//                    $('#').attr("checked", "checked");
//                }
 //           var incld = tdInclude.html();
//         if (incld.trim() == "True") {

//             tdInclude.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="incl"></label>');
//                    $('#incl').attr("checked", "checked");
//                }
//                else {
//                    tdInclude.html('<label><input type="checkbox" id="incl"></label>');
//                               }

//                if ($('#Include'+i).attr('checked')) {
//                   // alert('hi');

//                }
//                else {
//                    //alert('bye');
//                  $('#incl').attr("checked", "checked");
//              }

//              var $formElements = $('#tblt tr td').find(':checkbox').filter(function() {
//                  var c = $(this).attr('checked');
//                  alert(c);
//                  return;
//              });
                count = count + 1;
            else {
                alert('All ready one row in edit Mode!!!!!!!!!!!');

        function Save(id) {
            var bindert="";
            var inlcd = document.getElementById('incl').checked;
            var drp = document.getElementById('mydd').value;
            var qun = document.getElementById('txtQuickNotes').value;
            //var nine = document.getElementById("9").checked;
//            if (nine == "True") {
//                alert(nine);
//                bindert += 9 + ","
//            }

            if ($('#9').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 9 + ","
           // var ten = document.getElementById('10').checked;
            //var bis = document.getElementById('20').checked;
           // var tis = document.getElementById('30').checked;
            //var chal = document.getElementById('40').checked;
            //var pach = document.getElementById('50').checked;
            //var sat = document.getElementById('60').checked;

            if ($('#10').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 10 + ","
            if ($('#20').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 20 + ","

            if ($('#30').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 30 + ","
            if ($('#40').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 40 + ","
            if ($('#50').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 50 + ","
            if ($('#60').attr('checked')) {
                bindert += 60 + ","
                "/TestTask/EditRecord/" + id,
                { incl: inlcd, btype: bindert, ntype: drp, qn: qun },
                function(data) {
                    count = 0;
//            alert(bindert);

//            alert(qun);
//            alert(inlcd);
//            alert(drp);


        function Loadgrd() {
            count = 0;

        function DeleteRec(id) {
                "/TestTask/DeleteRecord/" + id,
                function(data) {
                    count = 0;

            function checkUncchk() {

                var par = $(this).parent().parent();
                var tdInclude = par.children("td:nth-child(2)");
                var myinclude = tdInclude.html()
                if ($('#chkall').attr('checked')) {
                    $('.case').attr('checked', this.checked);

                else {

<SCRIPT language="javascript">
    $(function() {

        // add multiple select / deselect functionality
    $("#chkall").click(function() {
            $('.case').attr('checked', this.checked);

        // if all checkbox are selected, check the selectall checkbox
        // and viceversa
        $(".case").click(function() {

            if ($(".case").length == $(".case:checked").length) {
                $("#selectall").attr("checked", "checked");
            } else {


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